NECO Data Processing Practical Specimen For 2024/2025

Here is the complete list of National Examination Council (NECO) 2024 June/July Senior Schools Certificate Examination (SSCE) Internal Practical Specimens for subjects like Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Agricultural Science, Fisheries, Technical Drawing, Visual Arts, and Computer Studies. This notice is for all students participating in the NECO 2023 June/July SSCE, as the practical specimens have been released.

Students taking part in the NECO 2023 June/July Senior Schools Certificate Examination (SSCE) are informed that the NECO Data Processing Practical Specimen For 2024/2025 have been released.

This article outlines the requirements and specimens for the 2024 NECO Data Processing practical examination, including the examination’s focus areas, instructions, and guidelines for using each specimen. And it provides the approved topics for NECO Data Processing theory and objectives (OBJ).

(3d) (Pick Any Four) (i) Insert text: Allows you to add text anywhere in the document. (ii) Delete text: Enables you to erase characters, words, lines, or pages easily. (iii) Copy: Permits duplication of a section of text. (iv) Cut and paste: Allows you to remove (cut) a section of text and insert (paste) it elsewhere. (v) Print: Enables sending a document to a printer for a hard copy.

(1bii) A database is an organized collection of structured information or data, typically stored electronically in a computer system. It allows easy access, management, modification, update, control, and organization of data.

(1biii) (Pick Any Two) (i) Centralized Database: Stores data in a centralized system, allowing access from different locations. (ii) Operational Database: Creates and updates the database in real-time, designed for daily data operations. (iii) Relational Database: Stores data points related to one another, with columns holding attributes and records having values for each attribute, facilitating relationship establishment.


(2bii) Choose File and select Exit or press Alt+F4.

(2biii) A Spreadsheet Package is a program facilitating calculation-related tasks, commonly used for organizing and analyzing numeric data.

Each Candidate should be provided with the following groups of specimens.

The practical Computer Studies test aims to assess candidates’ ability to perform simple practical tasks. The Examiner may provide hints if a candidate struggles due to a lack of understanding in the laboratory/workshop. Candidates are encouraged to cooperate by seeking assistance.

Strict adherence to the following regulations is required: (a) Hints should not be announced to the entire group. (b) Candidates needing help must approach the supervisor, who will inform the Examiner of any assistance given. (c) All assistance provided, including candidate name and index number, must be documented in the Report Form.

Candidates should be informed: “The Examiner does not want to waste your time. If you encounter difficulty after 15 minutes, approach me for help. Any assistance may be reported to the Examiner, and marks could be deducted.”

For the 2024 NECO Internal Examination, the school authority must ensure the availability of the following facilities: Well-ventilated computer laboratory capable of accommodating a significant number of students simultaneously.

Standby Generator with a capacity to power all systems (Maximum 2.5KVA). Installation of application packages such as Microsoft Word, Spreadsheet (Excel), Microsoft Access, and Corel draw.

Adequate number of printers to serve all candidates and uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) system.

Computer system specification


For the upcoming NECO Data Processing Practical Specimen For 2024 SSCE Internal Examination, schools and supervisors must prioritize preparations. Adhering to computer system specifications and fostering an enabling environment is crucial for the success of the Data Processing Practical examination and the candidates’ overall academic progress. WAEC maintains its commitment to promoting quality education and fair examination practices in the West African region.

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